Laura Burke Mystery Writer


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Precious Moments

Precious Moments. Have you ever looked at times in your life that really pleased you? Like when as child is born, when you first fell in love, or when you received your first flowers from someone that was so special you even cried when they were delivered. How about that first kiss? These are all […]

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Imagination. Do you remember when you were a child growing up? Did you have an a imaginary friend you played with? Did you make up stories in your mind and tell to you toy soldiers or dolls? I know I did. I like telling stories. Most adults forget how much fun it was when we

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How many times have you hoped for something, or wished for something that you really need? Not just for material things, but for health, better living conditions, or just a way to be able to sleep at night without worry. I know the feeling, I haven’t slept a full night in a couple of years.

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The Holidays

Every body likes to celebrate the holidays. But Why? Its the end of the year and everyone knows that with the end of the year means, THE TAX’S will follow. Then comes the question do I have enough deductions to get something back from the IRS? or am I hoping to owe UNCLE SAM money?

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Life? Have you ever stopped to think about your life? When you are in your mothers’ womb, you are cradled with love and protection from harm. When you are born your mother and father watch over you, feed, clothe, keep you warm, protect you from danger and give you all the love they can share.

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The Brass Ring

Have you ever heard of the Brass Ring? Long time ago on the Merry-Go-Round they had set-up on a par a semi brass ring and the object was as the merry go round came around you were suppose to grab the ring. If you got it, well you would win either money or life time

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