Laura Burke Mystery Writer

Life? Have you ever stopped to think about your life? When you are in your mothers’ womb, you are cradled with love and protection from harm. When you are born your mother and father watch over you, feed, clothe, keep you warm, protect you from danger and give you all the love they can share.

Once you start that first day of school at age five, your mother cry’s because you are growing up fast. That is in her eyes, your eyes think only about the fear about being away from you home, mother and all the protection you’ve known for the past five years. You are becoming independent and making friends that will last through all your school years. If your family doesn’t move.

Next comes your teenage years, these are very difficult for you are now changing physically and emotionally. Becoming opinionated, about your views and passions. Looking at life in a completely different line of thought. The opposite sex is now on your mind and dating. Then comes the first love of your life. The famous saying, “I love you” goes through your mind and if you break up, “I’ll just die!” But we all know you will never forget your first love, but there will always be other loves in your life.

Your parents believe it or not, hurt right alongside you when you hurt, they hurt also. Then comes college. Your mother again cries when you leave home for the first time. She knows she can’t protect you from the world and you are now on your own so to speak. This is the first time you are truly on your own. Your parents have tried to prepare you for this all of the seventeen or eighteen years of your life.

You are now considered an adult! Whoopee! Although you have dreamed of being an adult, you still have questions on how the world really works and yes you will make mistakes, but that is life. We learn from our mistakes, or we’re suppose to learn from them. Some of us are hard headed and have to make the same mistake two or three times before we learn what that listen was. Thank goodness for our parents, for we can always pick up a telephone and say help!

Now you are through with college and you take your first job, get married, and have that first baby. Your life has now gone full circle as to what your parents had gone through. Yes this is life. It depends on you as to how hard it is or how easy it becomes.

Yes, you should think back at your life from the first steps you took to present day. How has your life turned out? Easy or hard, it is your life and it is what your family remembers about you.

May God Bless!